September 2, 2010

Cloud shapes and ultrasound photos

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , at 6:06 am by Sue

As promised in my earlier post – here’s the latest ultrasound photos at 22 weeks exactly.   It always seems like one of them isn’t cooperating for being photographed.  In this case, the first one is a one pretty good shot of a face, but the second one is an almost undecipherable arm and head (the head is on the left facing right but away from you with his arm sort of hiding part of his face and his hand touching his forehead).   Can you see it?   Try squinting.  🙂

Doesn’t this remind you of laying on the grass in the summer trying to figure out what animal shapes (or other shapes) the clouds looked like?    

22 week ultrasound

22 week ultrasound


  1. OMG, there are real live babies in there. And, yes I can easily make them both out. LOVELY to see them thriving in there.

    Keep doing what you’re doing, Mama!

  2. Virginia said,

    I agree with ^^. I can see them clearly! You’re obviously doing something right!

  3. Tammy said,

    I love the new ultrasounds. You can actually tell who they are going to look like before they are born!!! I also love the pic of your belly so cute! Good to see you are still marking the weeks off!! Keep it up and before you know it your two healthy baby boys will be here!! Take care!

  4. marna said,

    Oh my gosh I am so excited for you!!!!! What amazing images!

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